Take-Out Orders
Take-Out Order
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Order food for pick up from Maucker Union Food Court. Three business day lead time required for all orders. Payment can be made using cash, Dining Dollars, ID charge, credit cards, or a Dining Departmental Charge (*subject to university policy).

To place an order
1. Log in to your account. (This is the same login used previously for Catering.) If you have not previously set up an account, you will need to create one.
2. Click the link in the Order Date box in the left column to add order date and time. Enter the count and click the Set Location button.
3. Click "Order Here" under the Browse Menus section in the left column. Select items from the various menus. Use the "Additional Instructions" box to make note of special requests. Note that requests are subject to approval and may incur an upcharge.
4. Once your order is complete, proceed to checkout to complete billing information and submit the order. (Payment will be processed upon order pickup.) You will receive an order submission email as well as a follow up confirmation email once your order has been reviewed and approved.
5. Pick up your order at the designated time.

Cancellation Policies:
If the order is canceled after 12:00 Noon, two (2) business days prior to the date of the event, the customer will be responsible for 100% of the bill.
If the event is canceled less than one (1) week, but more than a two (2) business days notice, the customer will be responsible for 50% of the bill.
If classes are canceled or the University is operating under reduced operations, your catering order is not considered canceled; notice is still required. Please call 319-273-7595.

*Meals funded by the university are to be used for the stated business purpose. The general policy of the university is to prohibit the use of budgeted funds to provide food to campus guests, visitors, staff members or students except under certain described and carefully controlled circumstances. Refer to
University Policy 9.43 Reimbursable Expense and/or University Policy 13.07 Entertainment of University Guests for information pertaining to meal expenses.


UNI Catering, Redeker Center, Cedar Falls, Iowa 50614-0252

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